3 Things to Look for in a CDL Training Program

by | Jul 9, 2020 | News

Are all CDL schools going to look out for your best interest, have a sincere desire to help you achieve your goals, and even assist with job placement?

Not always, but this is exactly the type of CDL school you want to attend.

When you’re looking for the right place to complete your CDL training, it’s important to remember that not all CDL schools are created equal, and there are a few things you really need to take into consideration.

Choose the Right CDL Training Program By Looking Closely at These 3 Factors:

1. The Courses.

Everyone is different and so are their needs when it comes to CDL Training. Some can take four weeks away from work to earn their CDL while for others, this just isn’t an option.

Find a school that offers more than one course so that you can pick the right one to fit your needs. Some institutes like CDL of AL offer a full 4-week course as well as a  one-week fast-track “worker’s course” so you can truly pick what’s right for you at the time.

2. The Equipment.

If you test on the wrong equipment, you’re going to, by law, be restricted and your opportunities are going to be limited in your career. This can be extremely frustrating if you don’t know this in the very beginning.

Trust us, you’ll want to test in equipment that has:

* A manual transmission

* Air Brakes

Remember, if you don’t test in equipment that utilizes these features, you’ll be restricted from using them throughout your career. 

3. The Instructors.

You want to train under instructors that have several years of experience and a passion to help you be successful. If your instructors don’t care or aren’t knowledgeable, you’re not going to get the training you need and deserve.

If you wish, the school should give you a chance to meet the instructors face-to-face before signing up for the course. We highly recommend going to meet them in person if possible, but if that’s no possible, ask if you can talk to them over the phone. This is a great time to see if this is someone you want to learn under. If they don’t allow this, you may want to think twice.

Want to Find a CDL School that Offers All of the Above?

Then we encourage you to apply now to CDL of AL. From our course offerings to our equipment and instructors, CDL of AL is known for providing a great experience for those looking to earn their CDL license. We want to work with you and help expedite the process and cut as much of the unnecessary red tape as we can. We want to help you get trained, find work, and start making money to better provide for you and your family as quickly as possible without cutting corners.

Of course, if you have any questions, feel free to visit us in person or give us a call at 251.989.0740. We look forward to helping you advance your career today!